Runic Wisdom
Our runic wisdom for July comes from my cat, Ivar Needletooth and the rune Kenaz.

The Magic Medicine of Nature
My running health anxiety and even my sometimes low bubbling depression lift some when I can feel the breeze on my face, so I make a point of getting out there.

Oh, Mindfulness
Mindfulness practices, including meditation and yoga have been a part of my life since the mid-1990s. There is no question in my mind that my life would be very different if I hadn’t discovered them.

Some Things About Health Anxiety
It’s important to understand that health anxiety exists on a continuum. Some concern and worry about one's health is normal - especially when there is an identified illness or risk of illness. This might even translate to nervousness around doctors and increased distress around scheduled medical appointments. For some people, however, that "normal" worry and concern clicks up to a new level that can significantly disrupt their ability to function in different areas of their lives.

Magic Bread Crumbs
Sometime in the last couple months of 2021, I had an ocular migraine. That wasn’t particularly unusual. I am prone to these glimmery, shimmery, kind-of-nauseating ocular experiences. The unusual thing about this particular ocular migraine was that I didn’t see the usual shiny-around-the-edges amoeba. I saw a Thunderbird.

Welcoming 2022 with a Little Loving Kindness
Hello, Friends, and Happy New Year!
I get really excited about the first day of a New Year. I love the idea of a blank page. New calendars, journals, schedule books thrill me, and I love the process of reviewing the old year and planning for the new. I light candles, take shamanic journeys, write in my journal, and read runes and cards A LOT during the final weeks of December.

Pass the Torch
Today’s rune is Kenaz, the torch. Torches are so symbolic, aren’t they? They are lights in dark passageways, lusty crushes, and symbols of peace and knowledge. Like all the runes, Kenaz speaks to different people on different days about different things.