Winter Solstice
The longest night is upon us. Before electric lights, this night would have been very dark indeed. And long ago, our ancestors may have wondered if the light would ever come again.
Yes, there are elements of fear, sadness, and grief that come with the idea of the longest night. But there’s another way to see it if you’re willing to look.
This night. Solstice night is a deep opportunity for rest and reflection. It is a night for dreaming, a night for meditation and prayer. It is a night for connection to our deepest selves and the seeds of our coming transformations.
The runes I drew today were Pertho and Inwaz…Pertho as Earth’s womb and Ingwaz as seed. So fitting, don’t you think? Tonight, the seed is quiet in the womb. At rest.
Tomorrow, the sun will rise again, and the seed’s skin will begin to crack just a little. As the sun grows stronger day by day, the seed will open, and the little greenling will emerge….You will emerge.
For tonight, rest knowing that you are the Womb and you are the Seed.
image by Tristan Pokornyi at