Breathing. Inhaling and exhaling.

We do it without thinking about it because we don’t have to.

Breathing is an autonomic process, and thank goodness for that. Can you imagine having to remember to breathe all the time? Life would be really challenging.

But here’s the thing. Thinking about breathing, at least some of the time, can have a dramatic impact on your life. Thinking about breathing in a very particular way, over-breathing some might say, can alter your reality. It can help you relax deeply, heal negative thought patterns, move blocked energy, and help you heal trauma, move through grief, and shift into deeper spaces of recovery from addiction.

My Methodology

The breath pattern that I use is a simple way to tie up your chattering, monkey-mind. It takes concentration and effort, and that gives your linear, logical mind something to DO while your creative, symbolic, unconscious mind comes out to play. It also helps move the judgmental critic aside and allows messages of peace and healing to rise and be integrated.

Combining the breath with evocative, positive music, intuitive voicing, and affirmations creates a space for deep self-healing that can have a lasting impact. Individual sessions are 75 to 90 minutes long. Sessions with multiple people are 90 to 120 minutes long. Sessions include a brief talk-space to gain clarity prior to the active breath session, 22 to 25 minutes of active breath, a period of deep relaxation, and space for reintegrating.

If you are interested in experiencing the powerful combination of breathwork and sacred sharing and witnessing, I offer regular Healing Circles for women. You can read more about them and register HERE.

Breathwork: Tree Indigo and Scarlet by Fálki

Purchase Breathwork Sessions

  • Individual Session: $120

  • Couple’s Session: $160

  • Small groups of 3 or 4: $40 per person

    *I am dedicated to being of service to those who believe they need my assistance. While I do believe that a fair energy exchange is necessary and that monetary exchange is the most acceptable form at this time, I also recognize that sometimes circumstances are difficult. If you feel that you could benefit from an individual Breathwork session at this time but cannot afford to pay the base price, please reach out to me via email at, so that we can discuss a way forward.

from $120.00