June Wisdom
Good Greetings!
I've gotten away from sharing Runic Wisdom every Wednesday, so I’m trying something new. Here’s a little Runic Wisdom for your month
It’s a little drop of something for you to think about if you’re called.
As I write this, I’m sitting on the north side of the San Saba River in the Texas Hill Country. I’m gazing at a Bitternut Hickory Tree. This one is giving me a very clear rune…Fehu reversed. Now, the runes don’t always read as reversed for me - even when they are reversed. On the other hand, sometimes, the flip-side meaning pops up even though the little rune stone itself is just as right-facing as can be. This tree though…in this moment….is showing itself in its glory and saying, “Yep…this is what I mean. Do share.” And so I shall.
When Fehu is pointing straight ahead, it looks a little like someone standing with arms out and up. Fehu is the rune of wealth, but it is also the rune of right-relationship with wealth and money - how we spend, how we save, and how we share, and the Old Norse knew that right exchange was very important.
Fehu reversed is Smaug, the dragon. Remember Smaug from The Hobbit? When Bilbo and the dwarves reached his lair, Smaug was sleeping on piles of gold and treasure - snug as can be. Smaug was a Greedy Gus. It was all about the bling for Smaug. Sharing wasn’t his strong suit. Remind you of anyone, any group, or any system you know?
This month, flip Fehu. Practice the art of right exchange. If you find yourself getting too grippy with your wealth, whatever your wealth IS, consider opening your hands a bit. We might not be able shift all the greed in the world all at once, but we can certainly make sure that our own butts aren’t resting on too much gold (and that we’re not snapping off heads and burning down villages in our spare time).
Happy June, Friends.