Something New
Outside the Wall by Fálki Heiðdóttir
As Beltane approaches and the Sun builds Her strength, I am preparing to offer a new service. I’m calling it Creative Intuition Coaching, but really, Creativity Midwifing or Intuition Nurturing might be better names.
This has been a long time coming.
No, I didn’t go out and get another degree – not one that the Department of Education would recognize anyway.
But I HAVE been in training. I’ve been in a years-long bootcamp learning to tap and trust my creative intuition. I’ve been collecting magic tools, setting up boundaries to protect my energy AND the sacred spring of intuition and creativity, and giving birth to my own creative babies…over and over again. It’s been a busy, transformative, sometimes scary, and overwhelmingly fulfilling time. My life is a creative playground because of the work I’ve been doing.
And now it’s time for me to share what I’ve learned. This is the way it works for me. One day, I wake up – from my nightly rest or from a nap or daydream – and I know there’s something that I am supposed to be doing, something I’m supposed to be offering. The knowing often comes fully formed as a vision, complete with the words to spell it into reality. That’s what happened with this knowing. I woke up, and I knew that I had to do THIS THING.
My gut was singing loud and clear, which means my Soul was speaking. When that happens, I listen.
I’d like to help you listen to your Soul. That’s what Creative Intuition Coaching is all about. I’m going to be offering individual, couples, and group sessions focused on helping folks:
Relax, release, and drop into their bodies
Tap into, trust, and nurture their intuition
Grow their self-compassion
Gain clarity about their true needs and values
Develop loving boundaries
Bring more creativity into their lives and the world around them
Generate new ideas for projects
Get started, keep rolling, and complete their creative babies.
I’ll be tapping into my 22 years of experience as a sacred space-holder, all the education in counseling psychology and techniques that I’ve collected, my intuition, and my own years-long creative intuition excavation experience to help you tap into your intuition and bring more creativity into your life – whatever that looks like for you.
I’m excited about this work. Titillated. I’m vibrating top to bottom.
If you can feel a buzzing in your bones about tapping into your intuition and allowing your creative juices to flow (and ultimately, loving yourself more, living loudly, and stepping into the most authentic version of You ever), send me A NOTE. I’d love to talk with you.